There is a steep gap in knowledge that refugees face when moving to a new country.  Laws, language, and cultural barriers only scratch the surface. URSA aims to provide a transparent and honest mentorship experience for people facing such hardships.


URSA connects Ukrainian refugees in the United States with mentors to guide them on the motions of life that we often take for granted. Knowing how to apply for a job, being able to read various forms and applications, and simply navigating a new home have a steep learning curve for anyone. 


The word “refugee” is flippantly used to categorize so many unique and highly nuanced experiences. Coming from a family of immigrants, I’ve seen first-hand how difficult it is to adjust to a foreign environment; my mother was only sixteen when she left Ukraine to the United States for a better life.

I feel so much for my brothers and sisters who were forcibly uprooted from their way of life and rushed into a new place; such events catalyzed the creation of URSA. 

-Sabina Levkov


A segment of speech with founder Sabina Levkov at the Razom for Ukraine Event in New York City highlighting the accomplishments of URSA.